What exactly is #ChallengeAccepted?

T&B discuss the meaning of #ChallengeAccepted… all the food and snacks Californians are ordering during the pandemic… a great 4-H moment with Garrett… health news NOT about Covid-19… and KFC crocks that smell like fried chicken!

California Valey Brush Fire Forces Evacuations

A brush burning in California Valley has forced the evacuations of several residents. The Branch Fire broke out yesterday afternoon at around 2. By 4 o’clock, flames had scorched 350 acres, burning at least one structure, and

Two More COVID-19 Deaths In SLO County

San Luis Obispo County reported its tenth and eleventh deaths from COVID-19 yesterday. Officials say both lived at a nursing facility in Templeton that is experiencing a coronavirus outbreak. Both were in their 80’s and had underlying